Shabbat Times for the upcoming Shabbat on 14-15/2/2025 17 Shevat 5785 Parashat Yitro

Shabbat / Holidays Times for Lake Grove ( by Chazon Shomayim)

Parashat HaShavua: Yitro

Haftarah Ashkenazim: בשנת מות המלך עוזיהו (ישעיהו ו,א-ז,ו; ט,ה-ו)

Haftarah Sfaradim: בשנת מות המלך עוזיהו (ישעיהו ו,א-יג)

Shabbat Times for: 17:05

Shabbat Ends: 18:06

Shabbat Ends Rabenu Tam: 18:39

Times for Lake Grove by Chazon Shomayim, To Change City

The entry time of Shabbat / holiday, to this city, is calculated 20 minutes before sunset.

Candle-Lighting Blessings: Baruch ata Hashem, Elokeinu Melech ha'olam, asher kideshanu bemitzvotav vetzivanu lehadlik ner shel Shabbat.

Shabbat Shalom

Shabbat and holiday entry times for the year 5782 in Lake Grove (by Chazon Shomayim)

Hebrew DateGregorian DateParasha or HolidayStart TimeEnd Time
1 Tishrei 57826-7/9/2021Rosh Hashanah18:5519:59
2 Tishrei 57827-8/9/2021Rosh Hashanah18:5419:57
5 Tishrei 578210-11/9/2021Vayelech18:4919:52
10 Tishrei 578215-16/9/2021Yom Kippur18:4019:43
12 Tishrei 578217-18/9/2021Haazinu18:3719:39
15 Tishrei 578220-21/9/2021Sukkot18:3219:34
16 Tishrei 578221-22/9/2021Sukkot18:3019:32
19 Tishrei 578224-25/9/2021Shabbat Chol HaMoed18:2519:27
22 Tishrei 578227-28/9/2021Shemini Atzeret18:2019:22
23 Tishrei 578228-29/9/2021Simchat Torah18:1819:21
26 Tishrei 57821-2/10/2021Bereshit18:1319:15
3 Cheshvan 57828-9/10/2021Noach18:0219:04
10 Cheshvan 578215-16/10/2021Lech Lecha17:5118:53
17 Cheshvan 578222-23/10/2021Vayera17:4018:43
24 Cheshvan 578229-30/10/2021Chayey sara17:3118:34
2 Kislev 57825-6/11/2021Toldot17:2318:26
9 Kislev 578212-13/11/2021Vayetze16:1617:20
16 Kislev 578219-20/11/2021Vyishlach16:1017:15
23 Kislev 578226-27/11/2021Vayeshev16:0617:11
30 Kislev 57823-4/12/2021Miketz16:0417:10
7 Tevet 578210-11/12/2021Vayigash16:0417:10
14 Tevet 578217-18/12/2021Vayechi16:0517:11
21 Tevet 578224-25/12/2021Shmot16:0917:15
28 Tevet 578231/12/2021-1/1/2022Vaera16:1417:19
6 Shevat 57827-8/1/2022Boh16:2017:25
13 Shevat 578214-15/1/2022Beshalach16:2717:32
20 Shevat 578221-22/1/2022Yitro16:3617:39
27 Shevat 578228-29/1/2022Mishpatim16:4417:47
4 Adar Alef 57824-5/2/2022Truma16:5317:55
11 Adar Alef 578211-12/2/2022Tetzaveh17:0118:03
18 Adar Alef 578218-19/2/2022Ki Tissa17:1018:11
25 Adar Alef 578225-26/2/2022Vayakhel17:1818:19
2 Adar Bet 57824-5/3/2022pekudey17:2618:27
9 Adar Bet 578211-12/3/2022Vayikrah17:3418:34
16 Adar Bet 578218-19/3/2022Tzav18:4219:42
23 Adar Bet 578225-26/3/2022Shemini18:4919:50
1 Nissan 57821-2/4/2022Tazria18:5619:57
8 Nissan 57828-9/4/2022Metzorah19:0420:05
15 Nissan 578215-16/4/2022Pesach19:1120:13
16 Nissan 578216-17/4/2022Pesach19:1220:15
21 Nissan 578221-22/4/2022Shvii Shel Pesach19:1820:20
22 Nissan 578222-23/4/2022Shemini Shel Pesach19:1920:22
29 Nissan 578229-30/4/2022acharey mot19:2620:30
6 Iyar 57826-7/5/2022Kdoshim19:3320:38
13 Iyar 578213-14/5/2022Emor19:4020:47
20 Iyar 578220-21/5/2022behar19:4720:55
27 Iyar 578227-28/5/2022bechukotay19:5321:02
5 Sivan 57823-4/6/2022Bamidbar19:5821:08
6 Sivan 57824-5/6/2022Shavuot19:5921:09
7 Sivan 57825-6/6/2022Shavuot20:0021:10
12 Sivan 578210-11/6/2022Naso20:0321:13
19 Sivan 578217-18/6/2022Behaalotcha20:0621:16
26 Sivan 578224-25/6/2022Shlach20:0721:18
3 Tamuz 57821-2/7/2022Korach20:0721:18
10 Tamuz 57828-9/7/2022Chukat20:0521:16
17 Tamuz 578215-16/7/2022Balack20:0221:12
24 Tamuz 578222-23/7/2022Pinchas19:5721:06
2 Av 578229-30/7/2022Matoth Masaey19:5020:58
9 Av 57825-6/8/2022Devarim19:4320:49
16 Av 578212-13/8/2022Vaetchanan19:3420:40
23 Av 578219-20/8/2022Ekev19:2420:29
30 Av 578226-27/8/2022Re'eh19:1320:17
7 Elul 57822-3/9/2022Shofetim19:0220:05
14 Elul 57829-10/9/2022Ki Teitzei18:5119:53
21 Elul 578216-17/9/2022Ki Tavo18:3919:41
28 Elul 578223-24/9/2022Nitzavim18:2719:29
Today's Date:
11 Shevat 5785, 9 February 2025

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