We have worked hard to make JCAL accessible to people with disabilities. We hope that we were able to help you all surf successfully.

As part of our commitment to allowing the entire population, including people with disabilities, to surf smoothly, we continue to work to improve the accessibility of all pages under the jcal.com domain.

If you encounter a problem or have an idea to improve accessibility, please contact the website team at team @ jcal.com (please note that the characters in the email are separated to prevent the email from being distributed to spam systems).

Things done so far:

  • The text can be reduced or increased in size.
  • TAB can be used to navigate.
  • Making a TAB hierarchy for browsing.
  • Modifications to the website's structure and menus.
  • Title background colors are changed to create contrast.
  • Alternate text for images and icons.

Have an enjoyable time surfing on JCAal!

JCAL team

  • All Rights Reserved to JCal.com ©
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