Zmanimcalculate times254 October
Zmanimcalculate times265 October
Zmanimcalculate times276 October
Zmanimcalculate times287 October
Zmanimcalculate times298 October
Zmanimcalculate times309 OctoberLight Candles: 18:06Rosh Chodesh
Zmanimcalculate times110 OctoberShabbat Ends: 19:07NoachShabbat Rosh Chodesh
Zmanimcalculate times211 October
Zmanimcalculate times312 October
Zmanimcalculate times413 October
Zmanimcalculate times514 October
Zmanimcalculate times615 October
Zmanimcalculate times716 OctoberLight Candles: 17:55
Zmanimcalculate times817 OctoberShabbat Ends: 18:56Lech Lecha
Zmanimcalculate times918 October
Zmanimcalculate times1019 October
Zmanimcalculate times1120 October
Zmanimcalculate times1221 October
Zmanimcalculate times1322 October
Zmanimcalculate times1423 OctoberLight Candles: 17:45
Zmanimcalculate times1524 OctoberShabbat Ends: 18:46Vayera
Zmanimcalculate times1625 October
Zmanimcalculate times1726 October
Zmanimcalculate times1827 October
Zmanimcalculate times1928 October
Zmanimcalculate times2029 October
Zmanimcalculate times2130 OctoberLight Candles: 16:36
Zmanimcalculate times2231 OctoberShabbat Ends: 17:38Chayey sara
Zmanimcalculate times231 November
Zmanimcalculate times242 November
Zmanimcalculate times253 November
Zmanimcalculate times264 November
Zmanimcalculate times275 November
Zmanimcalculate times286 NovemberLight Candles: 16:28
Zmanimcalculate times297 NovemberShabbat Ends: 17:30Toldot

Today's Date:

Sunrise in New York: ‎07:14 | Sunset (Shkiah): 18:59
Visible Sunrise (HaNetz HaChama) in New York: ‎07:12 | Visible Sunset: 19:00
Current month: , :
Next 6 months: Nissan 5785, Iyar 5785, Sivan 5785, Tamuz 5785, Av 5785, Elul 5785
Current year: , : , Next year:

Adar 5785, General Details and Jewish Holidays:

Times for New York city, based on the time system: Chazon Shomayim

Month data:

  • changing to Winter Clock in  16 Cheshvan 4120
  • Rosh Chodesh Cheshvan Date 10/10/0359
  • Molad in יום שישי, בשעה 2 בצהרים, 45 דקות ו12 חלקים
  • The month Cheshvan contains 1 days
  • Parashot Hashavua: Noach,Noach,Noach,Noach,Noach
  • End of Kriat Shema varies between: 09:02 and 08:15
  • Sunrise varies between 07:03 and 06:38
  • Sunset varies between 18:24 and 16:46

Jewish Holidays:

About JCal

JCal is a Jewish calendar that includes Jewish holidays and Halachic times of day (Zmanim).

The calendar includes both Hebrew and Gregorian dates.

The current day on the calendar is determined by the time on the device from which you view the calendar.

The Jewish calendar is available for printing for any given month.

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