The following times are for Mono by Chazon Shomayim
(Sunset and sunrise times for this city are not calculated according to visible sunset)

Halachic Daily Times (Zmanim)
Tue - 20 Tishrei 5785, 22/10/2024

HolidayChol HaMoed ד
Alot HaShachar (Dawn)05:45
Tallit and Tefillin Time06:09
sunrise1Visible Sunrise (HaNetz HaChama)07:04
End of Kriat Shma (M"A)09:00
End of Kriat Shma (Gra)09:48
End of M"A Tefilah Time10:11
End of Gra Tefilah Time10:43
Chatzot Hayom (Midday)12:32
Mincha Gedolah Starting Time13:02
Mincha Ketana15:43
Plag HaMincha16:52
fog-sunSunset (Shkiah)18:00
fog-sunVisible Sunset (Shkiah Haniret)18:00
nightTzeit Hakochavim (Nightfall)18:22
Tzeit Hakochavim (Nightfall) Rabenu Tam19:12
Daf Yomi Bavliבבא בתרא קי"ט
Daf Yomi Yerushalmiיומא מ'
Daily Rambamהלכות בכורות א'

Upcoming Shabbat Times:
24 Tishrei 5785 26/10/2024

Parashat HaShavua: Bereshit
Shabbat Mevarchin
(Haftarah Ashkenazim): כה אמר האל (ישעיהו מב,ה-מג,י)
(Haftarah Sfaradim): כה אמר האל (ישעיהו מב,ה-כא)
Shabbat Mevarchim: חודש חשוון
Molad: יום שישי, בשעה 4 אחרי הצהרים, 5 דקות ו14 חלקים
Candle Lighting: 17:39
Shabbat Ends: 18:37
Shabbat Ends Rabenu Tam: 19:07

Shabbat candles
Click here for Shabbat and Jewish holiday times.
Today's Date:
20 Tishrei 5785, 22 October 2024

About Daily and Shabbat Times (Zmanim)

This page displays Halachic Times of the day (Zmanim) and the nearest Shabbat times, including candle lighting time and Shabbat ends time. The daily times includes sunrise times, sunset times, Talit and Tefilin times, Kriat Shema ending times, Tefila ending times, mid-day, Mincha Gedolah and Ktana times, Plag HaMincha, Tzet Hakochavim and Tzet Hakochavim Rabenu Tam, and also Daf HaYomi Bavli and Yerushalmi.

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