Shabbat closest to this day:
26 Kislev 5784 09/12/2023
Parashat HaShavua:
Hanukkah Shabbat
Shabbat Mevarchin
רני ושמחי (זכריה ב')
Shabbat Mevarchim:
Month טבת
ליל רביעי, בשעה 8 בערב, 1 דקות ו3 חלקים
Candle Lighting: 16:25
Shabbat Ends: 17:17
Shabbat Ends Rabenu Tam: 17:48
על הנסים
הלל שלם
This page displays Halachic Times of the day (Zmanim) and the nearest Shabbat times, including candle lighting time and Shabbat ends time. The daily times includes sunrise times, sunset times, Talit and Tefilin times, Kriat Shema ending times, Tefila ending times, mid-day, Mincha Gedolah and Ktana times, Plag HaMincha, Tzet Hakochavim and Tzet Hakochavim Rabenu Tam, and also Daf HaYomi Bavli and Yerushalmi.
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