Zmanimcalculate times2726 Adar Alef
Zmanimcalculate times2827 Adar Alef
Zmanimcalculate times128 Adar Alef
Zmanimcalculate times229 Adar Alef
Zmanimcalculate times330 Adar AlefRosh Chodesh
Zmanimcalculate times41 Adar BetLight Candles: 17:32Rosh Chodesh
Zmanimcalculate times52 Adar BetShabbat Ends: 18:31pekudey
Zmanimcalculate times63 Adar Bet
Zmanimcalculate times74 Adar Bet
Zmanimcalculate times85 Adar Bet
Zmanimcalculate times96 Adar Bet
Zmanimcalculate times107 Adar Bet
Zmanimcalculate times118 Adar BetLight Candles: 17:39
Zmanimcalculate times129 Adar BetShabbat Ends: 18:39VayikrahShabbat Zachor
Zmanimcalculate times1310 Adar Bet
Zmanimcalculate times1411 Adar Bet
Zmanimcalculate times1512 Adar Bet
Zmanimcalculate times1613 Adar BetTaanit EstherEnd tzom: 19:31
Zmanimcalculate times1714 Adar BetPurim
Zmanimcalculate times1815 Adar BetShushan PurimLight Candles: 18:47
Zmanimcalculate times1916 Adar BetShabbat Ends: 19:46Tzav
Zmanimcalculate times2017 Adar BetMarch equinox
Zmanimcalculate times2118 Adar Bet
Zmanimcalculate times2219 Adar Bet
Zmanimcalculate times2320 Adar Bet
Zmanimcalculate times2421 Adar Bet
Zmanimcalculate times2522 Adar BetLight Candles: 18:54
Zmanimcalculate times2623 Adar BetShabbat Ends: 19:54SheminiShabbat Parah
Zmanimcalculate times2724 Adar Bet
Zmanimcalculate times2825 Adar Bet
Zmanimcalculate times2926 Adar Bet
Zmanimcalculate times3027 Adar Bet
Zmanimcalculate times3128 Adar Bet
Zmanimcalculate times129 Adar BetLight Candles: 19:02
Zmanimcalculate times21 NissanShabbat Ends: 20:02TazriaShabbat Rosh Chodesh and Parashat Hachodesh

Today's Date:

Sunrise in New York: ‎07:06 | Sunset (Shkiah): 16:28
Visible Sunrise (HaNetz HaChama) in New York: ‎07:04 | Visible Sunset: 16:30
Current month: , :
Next 6 months: January 2025, February 2025, March 2025, April 2025, May 2025, June 2025
Current year: , : , Next year:

December 2024, General Details and Jewish Holidays:

Times for New York city, based on the time system: Chazon Shomayim

Month data:

  • March starts on Hebrew date 28 Adar Alef 5782
  • March ends on the Hebrew date of 28 Adar Bet 5782
  • March has 31 days
  • Parashot Hashavua pekudey, Vayikrah, Tzav, Shemini
  • End of Kriat Shema varies between: 08:30 and 09:00
  • Sunrise varies between 06:30 and 06:41
  • Sunset varies between 17:47 and 19:20

Jewish Holidays:

Taanit Esther 2022

Date: Wed , 16/03/2022, 13 Adar Bet 5782

Purim 2022

Date: Thu , 17/03/2022, 14 Adar Bet 5782

Shushan Purim 2022

Date: Fri , 18/03/2022, 15 Adar Bet 5782

About JCal

JCal is a Jewish calendar that includes Jewish holidays and Halachic times of day (Zmanim).

The calendar includes both Hebrew and Gregorian dates.

The current day on the calendar is determined by the time on the device from which you view the calendar.

The Jewish calendar is available for printing for any given month.

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