Zmanimcalculate times117 MayRosh Chodesh
Zmanimcalculate times218 May
Zmanimcalculate times319 May
Zmanimcalculate times420 May
Zmanimcalculate times521 MayShavuot eveHoliday Start: 19:53
Zmanimcalculate times622 MayShavuotHoliday end: 20:59Light Candles: 19:54
Zmanimcalculate times723 MayShavuotEnd of Shabbat / Holiday: 21:01
Zmanimcalculate times824 May
Zmanimcalculate times925 May
Zmanimcalculate times1026 May
Zmanimcalculate times1127 May
Zmanimcalculate times1228 May
Zmanimcalculate times1329 MayLight Candles: 19:59
Zmanimcalculate times1430 MayShabbat Ends: 21:08Naso
Zmanimcalculate times1531 May
Zmanimcalculate times161 June
Zmanimcalculate times172 June
Zmanimcalculate times183 June
Zmanimcalculate times194 June
Zmanimcalculate times205 JuneLight Candles: 20:04
Zmanimcalculate times216 JuneShabbat Ends: 21:13Behaalotcha
Zmanimcalculate times227 June
Zmanimcalculate times238 June
Zmanimcalculate times249 June
Zmanimcalculate times2510 June
Zmanimcalculate times2611 June
Zmanimcalculate times2712 JuneLight Candles: 20:08
Zmanimcalculate times2813 JuneShabbat Ends: 21:18Shlach
Zmanimcalculate times2914 June
Zmanimcalculate times3015 JuneRosh Chodesh
Zmanimcalculate times116 JuneRosh Chodesh
Zmanimcalculate times217 June
Zmanimcalculate times318 June
Zmanimcalculate times419 JuneLight Candles: 20:11
Zmanimcalculate times520 JuneShabbat Ends: 21:21Korach

Today's Date:

Sunrise in New York: ‎06:57 | Sunset (Shkiah): 17:24
Visible Sunrise (HaNetz HaChama) in New York: ‎06:55 | Visible Sunset: 17:25
Current month: , :
Next 6 months: Adar 5785, Nissan 5785, Iyar 5785, Sivan 5785, Tamuz 5785, Av 5785
Current year: , : , Next year:

Shevat 5785, General Details and Jewish Holidays:

Times for New York city, based on the time system: Chazon Shomayim

Month data:

  • Rosh Chodesh Sivan Date 17/05/2026
  • Molad in ליל ראשון, בשעה 6 בערב, 2 דקות ו15 חלקים
  • The month Sivan contains 30 days
  • Parashot Hashavua: Bamidbar,Bamidbar,Bamidbar
  • End of Kriat Shema varies between: 08:20 and 08:15
  • Sunrise varies between 05:37 and 05:24
  • Sunset varies between 20:08 and 20:29
  • ספירת העומר בין ט"ז בניסן 03/04/2026 ,לה' בסיון 21/05/2026

Jewish Holidays:

Shavuot eve 5786

Date: Thu , 21/05/2026, 5 Sivan 5786

New York
Holiday Start 19:53
Los Angeles
Holiday Start 19:34
Holiday Start 20:24
Holiday Start 20:36

Shavuot 5786

Date: Fri , 22/05/2026, 6 Sivan 5786

New York
Holiday end 20:59
Los Angeles
Holiday end 20:32
Holiday end 21:30
Holiday end 21:51

Shavuot 5786

Date: Shabbat , 23/05/2026, 7 Sivan 5786

New York
Holiday end 21:01
Los Angeles
Holiday end 20:33
Holiday end 21:31
Holiday end 21:53

About JCal

JCal is a Jewish calendar that includes Jewish holidays and Halachic times of day (Zmanim).

The calendar includes both Hebrew and Gregorian dates.

The current day on the calendar is determined by the time on the device from which you view the calendar.

The Jewish calendar is available for printing for any given month.

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