Zmanimcalculate times2815 February
Zmanimcalculate times2916 February
Zmanimcalculate times3017 FebruaryRosh Chodesh
Zmanimcalculate times118 FebruaryRosh Chodesh
Zmanimcalculate times219 February
Zmanimcalculate times320 FebruaryLight Candles: 17:18
Zmanimcalculate times421 FebruaryShabbat Ends: 18:18Truma
Zmanimcalculate times522 February
Zmanimcalculate times623 February
Zmanimcalculate times724 February
Zmanimcalculate times825 February
Zmanimcalculate times926 February
Zmanimcalculate times1027 FebruaryLight Candles: 17:26
Zmanimcalculate times1128 FebruaryShabbat Ends: 18:25TetzavehShabbat Zachor
Zmanimcalculate times121 March
Zmanimcalculate times132 MarchTaanit EstherEnd tzom: 18:16
Zmanimcalculate times143 MarchPurim
Zmanimcalculate times154 MarchShushan Purim
Zmanimcalculate times165 March
Zmanimcalculate times176 MarchLight Candles: 17:34
Zmanimcalculate times187 MarchShabbat Ends: 18:33Ki TissaShabbat Parah
Zmanimcalculate times198 March
Zmanimcalculate times209 March
Zmanimcalculate times2110 March
Zmanimcalculate times2211 March
Zmanimcalculate times2312 March
Zmanimcalculate times2413 MarchLight Candles: 18:42
Zmanimcalculate times2514 MarchShabbat Ends: 19:41Vayakhel PekudeySabbat Hachodesh
Zmanimcalculate times2615 March
Zmanimcalculate times2716 March
Zmanimcalculate times2817 March
Zmanimcalculate times2918 March
Zmanimcalculate times119 MarchRosh Chodesh
Zmanimcalculate times220 MarchMarch equinoxLight Candles: 18:49
Zmanimcalculate times321 MarchShabbat Ends: 19:48Vayikrah

Today's Date:

Sunrise in New York: ‎06:57 | Sunset (Shkiah): 17:24
Visible Sunrise (HaNetz HaChama) in New York: ‎06:55 | Visible Sunset: 17:25
Current month: , :
Next 6 months: Adar 5785, Nissan 5785, Iyar 5785, Sivan 5785, Tamuz 5785, Av 5785
Current year: , : , Next year:

Shevat 5785, General Details and Jewish Holidays:

Times for New York city, based on the time system: Chazon Shomayim

Month data:

  • Rosh Chodesh Adar Date 18/02/2026
  • Molad in ליל שלישי, בשעה 3 בלילה, 50 דקות ו12 חלקים
  • The month Adar contains 1 days
  • Parashot Hashavua: Truma,Truma,Truma,Truma
  • End of Kriat Shema varies between: 08:38 and 09:13
  • Sunrise varies between 06:46 and 07:01
  • Sunset varies between 17:35 and 19:07

Jewish Holidays:

Taanit Esther 5786

Date: Mon , 02/03/2026, 13 Adar 5786

Purim 5786

Date: Tue , 03/03/2026, 14 Adar 5786

Shushan Purim 5786

Date: Wed , 04/03/2026, 15 Adar 5786

About JCal

JCal is a Jewish calendar that includes Jewish holidays and Halachic times of day (Zmanim).

The calendar includes both Hebrew and Gregorian dates.

The current day on the calendar is determined by the time on the device from which you view the calendar.

The Jewish calendar is available for printing for any given month.

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