Shabbat Times for the upcoming Shabbat on 14-15/2/2025 17 Shevat 5785 Parashat Yitro

Shabbat / Holidays Times for Cooper City ( by Chazon Shomayim)

Parashat HaShavua: Yitro

Haftarah Ashkenazim: בשנת מות המלך עוזיהו (ישעיהו ו,א-ז,ו; ט,ה-ו)

Haftarah Sfaradim: בשנת מות המלך עוזיהו (ישעיהו ו,א-יג)

Shabbat Times for: 17:53

Shabbat Ends: 18:46

Shabbat Ends Rabenu Tam: 19:24

Times for Cooper City by Chazon Shomayim, To Change City

The entry time of Shabbat / holiday, to this city, is calculated 20 minutes before sunset.

Candle-Lighting Blessings: Baruch ata Hashem, Elokeinu Melech ha'olam, asher kideshanu bemitzvotav vetzivanu lehadlik ner shel Shabbat.

Shabbat Shalom

Shabbat and holiday entry times for the year 5786 in Cooper City (by Chazon Shomayim)

Hebrew DateGregorian DateParasha or HolidayStart TimeEnd Time
1 Tishrei 578622-23/9/2025Rosh Hashanah18:5719:50
2 Tishrei 578623-24/9/2025Rosh Hashanah18:5619:49
5 Tishrei 578626-27/9/2025Vayelech18:5219:46
10 Tishrei 57861-2/10/2025Yom Kippur18:4719:41
12 Tishrei 57863-4/10/2025Haazinu18:4519:38
15 Tishrei 57866-7/10/2025Sukkot18:4219:35
16 Tishrei 57867-8/10/2025Sukkot18:4119:34
19 Tishrei 578610-11/10/2025Shabbat Chol HaMoed18:3719:31
22 Tishrei 578613-14/10/2025Shemini Atzeret18:3419:28
23 Tishrei 578614-15/10/2025Simchat Torah18:3419:27
26 Tishrei 578617-18/10/2025Bereshit18:3119:25
3 Cheshvan 578624-25/10/2025Noach18:2519:19
10 Cheshvan 578631/10-1/11/2025Lech Lecha18:1919:14
17 Cheshvan 57867-8/11/2025Vayera17:1518:10
24 Cheshvan 578614-15/11/2025Chayey sara17:1218:07
2 Kislev 578621-22/11/2025Toldot17:0918:05
9 Kislev 578628-29/11/2025Vayetze17:0918:04
16 Kislev 57865-6/12/2025Vyishlach17:0918:05
23 Kislev 578612-13/12/2025Vayeshev17:1018:06
30 Kislev 578619-20/12/2025Miketz17:1318:09
7 Tevet 578626-27/12/2025Vayigash17:1718:13
14 Tevet 57862-3/1/2026Vayechi17:2118:17
21 Tevet 57869-10/1/2026Shmot17:2618:22
28 Tevet 578616-17/1/2026Vaera17:3218:27
6 Shevat 578623-24/1/2026Boh17:3718:32
13 Shevat 578630-31/1/2026Beshalach17:4318:37
20 Shevat 57866-7/2/2026Yitro17:4818:41
27 Shevat 578613-14/2/2026Mishpatim17:5318:46
4 Adar 578620-21/2/2026Truma17:5718:50
11 Adar 578627-28/2/2026Tetzaveh18:0118:54
18 Adar 57866-7/3/2026Ki Tissa18:0518:58
25 Adar 578613-14/3/2026Vayakhel Pekudey19:0920:01
3 Nissan 578620-21/3/2026Vayikrah19:1220:04
10 Nissan 578627-28/3/2026Tzav19:1520:08
15 Nissan 57861-2/4/2026Pesach19:1820:10
16 Nissan 57862-3/4/2026Pesach19:1820:11
17 Nissan 57863-4/4/2026Shabbat Chol HaMoed19:1920:11
21 Nissan 57867-8/4/2026Shvii Shel Pesach19:2020:13
22 Nissan 57868-9/4/2026Shemini Shel Pesach19:2120:14
24 Nissan 578610-11/4/2026Shemini19:2220:15
1 Iyar 578617-18/4/2026Tazria Metzora19:2520:19
8 Iyar 578624-25/4/2026Acharey mot kdoshim19:2920:23
15 Iyar 57861-2/5/2026Emor19:3220:27
22 Iyar 57868-9/5/2026Behar Bechukotay19:3620:31
29 Iyar 578615-16/5/2026Bamidbar19:4020:36
6 Sivan 578621-22/5/2026Shavuot19:4320:39
7 Sivan 578622-23/5/2026Shavuot19:4320:40
14 Sivan 578629-30/5/2026Naso19:4720:44
21 Sivan 57865-6/6/2026Behaalotcha19:5020:47
28 Sivan 578612-13/6/2026Shlach19:5320:50
5 Tamuz 578619-20/6/2026Korach19:5520:53
12 Tamuz 578626-27/6/2026Chukat Balack19:5620:54
19 Tamuz 57863-4/7/2026Pinchas19:5720:54
26 Tamuz 578610-11/7/2026Matoth Masaey19:5620:53
4 Av 578617-18/7/2026Devarim19:5420:51
11 Av 578624-25/7/2026Vaetchanan19:5120:48
18 Av 578631/7-1/8/2026Ekev19:4820:44
25 Av 57867-8/8/2026Re'eh19:4320:38
2 Elul 578614-15/8/2026Shofetim19:3720:32
9 Elul 578621-22/8/2026Ki Teitzei19:3120:26
16 Elul 578628-29/8/2026Ki Tavo19:2420:18
23 Elul 57864-5/9/2026Nitzavim Vayelech19:1720:11
Today's Date:
11 Shevat 5785, 9 February 2025

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